When the operating budget module is opened to campus on February 17th, plan files will display actuals and encumbrances as of January 31, 2020. There will be no additional updates to actuals and encumbrances.
In prior year All Funds Planning processes we did eliminate intra-Org transfers and it was our intention to do so this year, however, due to limitations around brining in only departmental (as opposed to departmental and institutional) transfers as well as conforming to the new Planning Fund dimension, and simple time constraints of needing to meet Go Live dates we ended up opting to bring in all transfers to ensure transparency in reporting and accurate balances represented in your Planning Funds. OBP is still of the opinion that intra-Org transfers do not add value for planning purposes, so we still do not recommend you plan for them unless they are between Planning Funds and needed for accurate forecasting and Planning Fund budgeting (e.g transferring from PFD to FIN to for financial aid use of Program Fee revenue).
Maximum of 250 characters.
Maximum of 500 characters.
This tab allows a department to list the department’s accomplishments, cost savings, strategy, and budget needs to the college/division approver and college/division leadership.
Comments save to the database like other fields and so will be available in reporting, so you can look back at prior year work and comments.
This is a current system limitation. This functionality is on the roadmap for future product development. The software provider had not provided us a date and as such we are unable to provide you a date.
This is the standard layout for the operating budget module and can’t be changed.
The options under the ‘Budget Requests’ column allows a user to display data from the budget request module. For more information about the budget request module, please review the module’s FAQs.
No, users will only be able to plan to official orgs. Unofficial Org is likely another chart planning element that needs additional work and clarification on a campus standard and best practice, likely a Program planning dimension to be accommodated in future planning cycles, but not available this year.
This functionality is available, but rather than send multiple notifications there will be a transfer report you will be expected to review prior to submission of your Plan File to ensure all of your transfers are balanced and approved.
Please use the ‘Planning Fund Crosswalk’ report and refer to the ‘Definitions Guide’.
There are no requirements to enter data for any particular Budget Object, only that, in aggregate, you feel your estimates are reasonable and an accurate reflection of the plan you want to communicate to all levels of university leadership. Not utilizing fields provided for your use has the potential to undermine your messaging, or result in additional questions or analysis, so is not advised. Best practice would be to use the tool as designed to maximize the effectiveness of your communication and estimates.
Displaying two years of historical data was a design decision to limit user scrolling/complexity of the display. Reports are available to allow users to see three years of historical data.
Intra-transfer activity between orgs within the same college/division will aggregate and display in the all funds module. The net impact of intra-org transfers within a college/division will be zero at the all funds module level.
Users will be provided a tool to allow the user to translate their FY20 and FY21 plan data back into KFS dimensions.
Forecast refers to a department’s FY2020 current year projection. Proposed refers to a department’s FY2021 next year projection. Forecast and proposed are synonymous with Local Fund Budget’s concept of revised and requested.
The ability to delete a transfer doesn’t currently exist. This is a future system enhancement. For now, users on both sides of the transfer will need to zero out the transfer amount.
This functionality doesn’t currently exist in the system. Additionally, although some transfers may be restricted there are also exceptions that are difficult to translate to business logic in a way that doesn’t make the system even more complicated.
Planning will be done only for Departmental Funds. Our goal is to move all institutional activities into institutional Orgs where possible. Please contact your Analyst to begin that activity.
The Organization that owes the funds should likely be primarily responsible for entering the transfers, as is the practice with Debt Service and Internal Loans.
If you select Internal the departments in the drop-down will already have been narrowed down to those within the college/division. If you select external, then those are all organizations that are not in the college/division.
The Budget Method column refers to where the data is coming from. For example, Payroll and ERE for FY20 and FY21, comes from the Labor Planning Module so it’ll state "From Labor". If the Budget Method is "Input Adjustment" then input data for FY20-23.
No, once a user is in the plan file the other user will see that the plan file is locked. There will be a lock icon in the top right corner of the screen. The second user can click on the lock icon to see who is in the file and will see the option to acquire the lock.
No, but the system will calculate a FY20 Forecast for February-June based on July-January Actuals. You can then adjust that forecast in the “Forecast Adjustment” column. Calculate your FY18 and FY19 ASC on Expense and ASC on Revenue as a percentage of Total Operating Expenditures and Total Revenues respectively to determine your blended ASC rate. Add % change to each of these rates and apply to your Total Expenditures and Revenues for all plan years of FY21-23.
The Office of Budget and Planning recommends that units plan their operating expenditures first. Once total operating expenditures have been determined, the unit can then use the B0300 Budget Object to enter a revenue value that matches the total operating expenditure each year.
The B0399 Budget Object is a system generated plug used in the Sponsored Projects fund. The plug is a precalculated value used to get Sponsored revenues to equal Sponsored expenses for FY18 and FY19. The purpose of the B0399 Budget Object is to eliminate fund balances or deficits from carrying over to the next fiscal year. Since the Sponsored Projects fund is being planned to demonstrate the impact on departmental operations, it is important that accounting variances that result in fund balance or deficit be eliminated in the aggregation of the All Funds plans.
The column is calculated by taking 5/7 of the Actual July-Jan FY2020 column. Or, another way of thinking about it is that Actuals (July –Jan) is 7 months and if you divide that figure by 7 to get an average monthly spend rate and then multiply the average monthly spend rate by the remaining 5 months (Feb-June) you have a Forecast for the remainder of the year.
You can think of temp budget as planned expenditures plus fund balance in the new tool. You can think of base budget as a recurring annual transfer in the new tool.
The attachment feature becomes unavailable to users after the plan file reaches step 3 (All Funds).
System functionality requirUsing the Transfers tool is not feasible for soft commitments. What is another option to plan soft commitments? es both departments to confirm the transfer amount before the transfer is approved in the operating budget plan file. Because of this new approval step, the Office of Budget and Planning recommends all planned transfers be entered by March 2nd. As a general recommendation, the organization that owes the funds should be responsible for entering the planned transfer. A transfer report will be available to assist departments in identifying any unapproved transfers prior to submission of their operating budget plan files.
If you do not want to use transfers this year, then your only other options would be to include information in your narrative or to list it as a “Budget Request” amount that you intentionally do not approve. Future phase implementations will involve the addition of a new “Commitments” module to address this planning concept.
The Office of Budget and planning has developed and published a commitment transfer guide for the Operating Budget module. The commitment transfer guide is posted to the Module Resources section.
The B0933 budget object code represents base budget or a recurring annual transfer in the Operating Budget Module. The B0933 budget object is found in STA, LOC, RES, and OTH funds.